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For some of the workouts that require set work to rest ratios (like the HIIT workouts) consider using the Smart WOD Timer App (Free). You can program work / rest intervals in the tabata timer. 

SIT (Sprint Interval Training). These are short / sharp workouts. You can do these running, cycling, rowing, etc. Use these workouts after you have done a functional Strength workout or a lighting heavy workout and you want a longer workout. You are already warmed up so can get into the hard work quite quickly. OR you can use these workouts for when you don't have time to do one of the longer bike or run workouts. 

Body Workout #1: Functional Strength

Follow along video ....>>>

Body Workout #2: Mobility Yoga
Follow along video...>>>
Yoga for Runners with Adriene. 

Body Workout #3: HIIT
SmartWOD App Timer settings: Tabata 45s on / 15s rest

Warm-up Video...>>>

Video of Movements…>>

  1. Drop squat with ¼ turn

  2. Weighted active clocks (I, Y, T)

  3. Burpees

  4. Commandos

  5. Double-unders / Jump Rope
    Repeat 5 times

Cool Down Video ...>>>


Optional Core:
Video of exercises …>>>

30, 45, or 60s of work followed by 15-30s of rest. 
Consider using the Smart WOD Timer App. You can program work / rest intervals in the tabata timer. 

21 ROUNDS / 30-60s WORK / 15-20s REST. 

  1. Plank Saw

  2. Bicycles

  3. Active Skydivers (Arms at 90/90 and bend legs, squeeze ankles and knees together) or Reverse Presses

  4. RESET: Roller coasters x 5 / Cats and Dogs x 5

  5. Side Plank Dips

  6. Bird Dog 4s holds (wide knees / feet off the ground)

  7. RESET: Roller coasters x 5 / Cats and Dogs x 5
    Repeat 3 times.

Body Workout #4: Mobility Foam Rolling
Follow along Video ...>>>
Adidas 20 min 

Body Workout #5: Lifting Heavy

Choice a weight that allows you to do the number of reps, with the last rep being a bit of a challenge.

1 mile jog or 10 min spin on bike

Video of Warm-up Routine ...>>>


Workout: VIDEO of movements...>>>  

SET 1: 
Squats (weighted) x15

Dumbbell Bicep curl x15  

Side Plank hold 30s each side
Repeat 3 times. 

SET 2: 
Weighted Front and back lunges x10 each side
Dumbbell front raises x 15
Elbow plank hold 30-60s
Repeat 3 times

SET 3:  
Weighted Lateral Step ups x10 each leg
Dumbbell Shoulder Press x15 
Full sit-ups 30-60s
Repeat 3 times. 

Cool Down: 
Video of Cool Down routine ...>>>  and / or 1 mile jog or 10 min spin on Bike 


Body Workout #6: Bike SIT #1 (Sprint Interval Training): HARD
5-10 min spin (include 3 x 30s Max Cad. 3 x 30s Time Trial efforts. 3 x 30s Stand)

10 x 25 sec. HARD / 1:35 min. EASY

Cool down:   
5-10 min spin


Body Workout #7: Run SIT #1 (Sprint Interval Training): HARD

3-5 min EASY
3 x 15s accelerations. 

1 min EASY 


15 sec. MOD-HARD to HARD / 3 min EASY

20 sec. MOD-HARD to HARD / 3 min EASY

25 sec. MOD-HARD to HARD / 3 min EASY

30 sec. MOD-HARD to HARD / 3 min EASY


Cool down:        
3-5 min EASY

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